The Importance of Reputation Management

reputation management

In today's world of mass digital media, giving a referral is as simple as posting a social media link. At 360 PSG, we know that 90% of your prospective customers make buying decisions based on reviews and online mentions of your business. Digital reputation management is the process of monitoring, identifying and influencing your digital reputation and credibility online.

Every day, people are reviewing businesses with star ratings, comments, social media posts, blogs, and much more. Knowing what people are saying about your business is invaluable. Reputation management provides you with a chance to counter negative feedback. It also creates an opportunity to promote the experience of your positive mentions. An effective online reputation management strategy can provide you with new opportunities and insight on increasing brand awareness.

The importance of having an online reputation management process in place is undeniable. Here are a couple of reasons to consider starting one:

Trust & Credibility

The reputation of a business is essential to its survival. Having the trust of your clients is a major component of success. Your clients discuss your business with friends and family. When they have a problem, they will spread the word about their experience. Data shows that if an organization has a good reputation, consumers will find that company more credible than its competitors. Even when competing businesses offer the same products or services for different prices!


Having professional staff is the foundation for a successful workforce. In today’s world, 92% of companies are using social media for recruiting. A company's reputation matters for employers more than ever before, and it can seriously impact the quality of recruitment.

Top applicants will research your company before they accept a position. Statistics show that 83% of respondents in a survey reported that they’re influenced by reviews when making application decisions. 46% of respondents report that company reputation influences their job offer decisions. 75% of people said they wouldn’t be willing to work for a company with a bad reputation — even if those without jobs.


A successful corporate image is a necessary marketing tool for your company. If you warm the hearts of your customers, they will always remember you. You won't need to spend time trying to convince potential customers to use your products or services. With a strong digital image, customers will continue to support your company.

Google your business name and scroll through your results. Scan the first few pages of results. Did you find information that doesn't accurately represent your business? If you did, we're glad we were able to bring this to your attention. In a recent Moz study, research suggests that businesses risk losing 22% of business when potential customers find a negative article on their first page of search results. That number increases to 59% lost business with three negative articles. At four or more negative articles, it goes up to 70%.

Make Reputation Management Easy

Don't panic! You could spend every day searching your own company to see if something new came up. This could take you hours every day, and you would continue stumbling over old things already known about. ThreeSixty provides a tool that runs 24/7 to scour public web space to find mentions, reviews and websites that talk about your business.

Let our reputation management team enhance your digital reputation today!