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A Case for Going Google+
by system
It's been about two weeks since Google announced the launch of Google Search + Your World, their enhanced algorithm for personalization in your search results. While the controversial update has other internet companies and social media networks crying foul (and anti-trust violation), here's why you should jump on the Google+ bandwagon.
Even if it's just for now.
1. Increased Attention on Google+
If you have your search settings set to personalize or are logged on to your Google account, you may have noticed Google+ pages showing up at the top of your search results, surpassing pages that have been around for years, even though Google+ didn't exist until this past spring.
Google, the most influential search engine in the world with approximately 85% of the global market share, is clearly favoring results that come from people's Google+ circles. This makes Google+ the most important social outlet to focus on from a SEO perspective. There's just no getting around it.
2. Relevancy Is Changing
Google's job as a search engine is to direct searchers to the most relevant information on the web, not just to information that Google may have an interest in. However, since the launch of Search+ Your World, more Google+ content is being featured - even if it's not necessarily the most relevant to the query. While this has ignited rather heated debates, it could considered a value-add to those currently utilizing Google+ for marketing and SEO purposes.
3. Link Sharing and the +1
Google+ is striving to become the world's primary platform for content sharing by socializing search. It started with the +1 button in March of 2011 and continued on with the rollout of Google+ which integrated the feature into its sharing process. The more +1 votes a link (or shared item) receives, the more relevant the link is perceived, giving it a more prominent position in social search results.
Until the outcome of the current anti-trust investigations is determined, it seems almost necessary to utilize Google+ as part of your company's online marketing and SEO strategy, since it is so highly favored by the search engine. For more information about developing and managing your company's search or social strategy, contact an Account Manager at 360psg.com or by calling 716.829.7373 today!