Why Blogging is Essential for Small Businesses

Blogging is for small businessesThousands search the internet when they have a question they need answered or for more information about a topic. Often, these searches lead to blogs on topics people are interested in.

These blogs are a key strategy to some businesses’ marketing strategy. As people wind up on their site in search of more information relevant to the services they offer, they see the company's brand name and could develop a trust in their name. They might even start going to them before Google to answer their questions.

These businesses are playing the long game. They’re working to gain authority in their industry and gain customers one blog post at a time. 

Content Marketing: The Future of Marketing

Routine blog posts fall under the umbrella of content marketing. This casual marketing strategy puts you in front of potential customers by giving them the valuable content they want. Instead of directly pitching your products or services, you provide relevant and useful content to your prospects and customers to help them solve their issues. This approach helps build trust, enhances brand recognition, and establishes your business as an authority in your field, which can contribute to increased sales and customer loyalty.

But is it the right strategy for your business? There are three main benefits to a blogging strategy.

1. Enhances Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Blogging is a great way to improve your website's SEO, especially for those longer terms people are searching for. It helps you appear higher on relevant search terms.

2. Establishes Industry Authority

It’s important to be seen as a leader in your industry, whatever industry that may be. You want to be seen as a thought leader, as a team that knows what they’re doing, and blogs are a great way to establish that insight and share your expertise.

3. Engages and Retains Customers

Blogs also provide a platform for businesses to connect with their audience by delivering valuable content that addresses their interests, challenges and needs. This builds a relationship and provides a reason to keep pulling people to your website as often as you post a new blog.

How to Know if You Should Be Writing Blogs for Your Business?

Just because blogs can add value to your business and website doesn’t mean it’s the best use of your time and resources. Deciding whether to start blogging for your business involves considering several factors that align with your overall business goals, resources and audience engagement strategy. 

You can decide if it’s right for your business by assessing five key things:

1. Business Objectives

Does running a blog match your current business objectives? A regularly posted blog can help increase your brand awareness, educate audiences and build trust, making you a go-to resource. This helps get your business’s name out alongside helping increase your website traffic and potentially lead volume.

2. Target Audience

In addition to reviewing your business objectives, you’ll want to consider your target audience. Ask yourself if your audience seeks information, education or entertainment that you could provide in a blog. Understanding what your audience cares about can help you create content that resonates.

Additionally, you’ll want to consider your target audience's online habits. Are they likely to find and read online content? If not, a blog wouldn’t be as beneficial as other marketing efforts. Alternatively, a blog is a great way to gain additional site visitors if they are likely to look for additional information online.

3. Content Resources

While deciding if it’s right for you to launch a content marketing strategy, you’ll want to consider if you have the capacity to consistently create high-quality content. Do you have the budget to hire a content writer or allocate time and resources from your current team to manage the blog?

4. Competitive Analysis

At this time, it’s also a good idea to be aware of what your competitors are doing. Are they blogging and is it successful? If your competitors successfully use blogs to engage customers and improve their SEO, it might be something to consider for your business.

If they aren’t writing blogs, it may not mean that you shouldn’t write one, either. This could be an opening in your industry. Putting your competitive analysis in the context of your other assessments is essential.

5. Measurement and ROI

Finally, you’ll also need to review these factors regularly to see if you benefit from a blogging strategy. You’ll also want to review other analytics to see what results you’re getting. You’ll want to look at the traffic, engagement and conversions associated with the visitors viewing your blogs. This data will help you understand if your blogging efforts are paying off.

If, after going through these things, you decide blogging is feasible and aligns with your goals, it’s important to start developing a strategy. 

Developing Your Blogging Strategy

As with all things marketing, it’s important to go into blogging with a plan of some kind. This doesn’t have to be extensive and can and should be changed as necessary.

To help you determine your strategy, there are four questions you should ask and answer:

  1. How frequently will you post?
  2. What topics will you write about?
  3. Who will write them and with what tone of voice?
  4. What data points will you measure success by?

Answering these four questions will provide you with a starting point for your content marketing. From there, you’ll be able to create a regular process and adjust as time goes on.

Improve Your Content Marketing Strategy and Start Creating Blogs Today

Get started on your blogging strategy today, or get help from ThreeSixty. Reach out to our marketing experts to help craft your strategy and begin crafting content to help you get dedicated customers.