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Social Media Manager Lily McGrath wears multiple hats at 360 PSG, ranging from client outreach to graphic design. Add in the fact that she’s the Mother of Ferrets and has a 70-lb punching bag in her driveway, and you have one of 360's most fascinating employees.

In today’s day and age, everyone has some sort of agenda. Whether we’re searching on the internet for something in particular or simply doing mindless browsing, our brains are always on a mission, even if we aren’t aware of it. So when clicking on a link after running a search, we decide almost right away if the page is worth our time or not, thus highlighting the importance of a well-crafted landing page. 

All news breaks on Twitter. Sure, you might hear about it by reading the daily paper or watching the evening news, but the reporter who broke that story put it on Twitter before anywhere else. That’s because social media is instantaneous, and nearly 4 billion people use it. That’s roughly 60 percent of the entire world’s population. So you can imagine that a strong social media presence is an important aspect of growing your brand.

Today is National Encourage a Young Writer Day, so 360 PSG thought it might be fun to interview our staff content writers, Matt and Erin, to learn a little more about them and their love of the written word. The duo was happy to pass along insights and advice to aspiring writers of all ages. 

With the government now offering business incentives through the recently passed CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act), many of them are doing everything they can to keep employees on the books during this unprecedented time. However, since most states are requiring “non-essential” employees to remain home, there is a limit on what tasks employees can perform. However, there are still plenty of ways to keep busy and productive. Here are 7 tasks that can be done during downtime!

As a response to the current COVID-19 situation, many employers have transitioned to having employees work remotely. This includes 360 PSG, which instituted telecommuting for all employees two weeks ago. Touching base with some of our team members gave us insight into what working remotely has been like for our employees

In uncertain times, scaling back on digital marketing might seem like a good way to address revenue shortfalls. However, this is the worst thing you can do at a time like this. Digital marketing is the best way for you to reach potential customers right now, and it provides a valuable opportunity for you to garner long-term goodwill and brand loyalty. Making smart digital marketing decisions now is how agile and resilient companies will come out ahead in the future. 

Categories: Resources

As small businesses attempt to navigate this very fluid situation, it’s important to have easy access to helpful, trustworthy resources. At 360 PSG, we put together a list for business owners to help them know who to turn to, and for what.

Categories: Resources

You know that exhausted feeling of being at your wits’ end trying to figure something out, or that feeling of dread when a problem comes across your table and you don’t have the slightest clue how to fix it? Everyone has that one person they turn to in these moments; a person with the right mental toolkit to figure out what you know you can’t. At 360 PSG, that man is Jason Ortiz. 

You know those projects you’ve been putting off all winter? Well, now that spring is here, it’s time to tackle them. While the concept of spring cleaning stems from a Persian new year tradition meaning “shaking the house,” there’s no reason you can’t also shake things up on the business side at the same time. In fact, now is a perfect time to do a little spring cleaning on your business’s website.

Managing a company in today’s world is a full-time job. There are bills to pay, deadlines to meet, people to hire, meetings to attend—the list goes on. So who has the time to manage a website on top of all that? Truthfully, no one. If you spend the necessary amount of time it takes to manage a website, you’re most likely neglecting your business’s other needs. (Trust us, we know.) Take control by giving some up, and learn how we can help turn your company’s web presence around.

The national celebration that started out in 1982 as Women’s History Week has blossomed into a monthlong event, with institutions as storied and varied as the Library of Congress, the National Park Service, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and the National Gallery of Art commemorating Women’s History Month. 

When Lewis Carroll’s Alice is struggling with identity issues, she refers to figuring everything out as “the great puzzle.” She’s 100% right. Identity isn’t a single entity; it’s a vast matrix—a puzzle made up of interconnected pieces. Pulling together all the interconnected pieces that comprise your brand and creating one cohesive, consistent message can be daunting. But that’s how you gain and maintain a positive media presence. 

Name, Address and Phone Number (NAP) are the key components that help search engines identify a company. Consistent NAP across all web platforms is how search engines identify a business. Think of a search engine like a person; if a company doesn’t have consistent NAP across the web, it will be looked at by Google as illegitimate, directly affecting the business’s rank in local organic search results. Consistent NAP could be the key to helping your business appear in the first three results in relevant Google searches.

Heading into a new year often means pausing to take stock of your life, and identifying areas that would benefit from a commitment to improvement. But don’t stop there! As a business owner, you should also be asking yourself what steps you can take to improve your company. Not sure what to focus on? Here are three resolutions you can make to ensure 2020 is your best year yet.

Here at 360 PSG, we work hard to bring our clients quality content and design. We also like to play hard— which is why our annual Holiday Party was held at Lasertron! Nothing brings out the holiday spirit quite like trying to annihilate half your coworkers and their families in a cutthroat game of laser tag.

Many business owners end up feeling a bit like Lewis Carroll's Alice—overwhelmed, unsure and perhaps even a little irritable—when it comes to branding. This is unfortunate because branding is actually all about simplifying your life. Good, unified branding creates credibility and trust. It helps showcase your company’s personality, and it generates more than customers—it generates advocates.

If you own a website for your business, you’ve likely received a ridiculous amount of emails soliciting the latest digital marketing software that’ll help your site rise to the top of Google.

We called upon our expert support team once again to provide us with some of your most frequently asked questions about our CMS. They did not disappoint! 

New season, new projects! We’re back with our picks from spring and excited to share some of what we’ve been working on.

With a combined total of 10 years in support, our team has encountered just about any issue you can imagine, so, we asked our team what a few of their most frequently asked questions are!